Lesson 84: The Psalms; Our Manual on How To Pray

A prayer pieced together from the Psalms – Lord my soul longs for assurance of my salvation. This assurance is given in your word. The wicked have no regard for the precepts that are in your word, but I have sought your precepts. Reveal their truths and illuminate my understanding. Your protective custody goes to the core of my being and my deepest intentions. And my deepest intentions are to give evidence that my faith is genuine by a life of obedience. I have put my hope in your word; by your word you have established my life in you for eternity. Thank you for the comfort I can find in the security provided by your promises. You promise to keep me in the faith until I reach my eternal inheritance and that once I am Christ’s I have entered into a relationship that nothing can destroy. Yet despite my devotion to your word I continually seek wayward paths. Seek your servant, for I have sought your precepts. Let my hope in your word not be dashed nor let satan cast doubt on my assurance of salvation. Create in me a pure heart. Let there be no wicked way in me. Turn my eyes from worthless things and create in me healthy thought patterns leading to a life of moral excellence. Renew in me a steadfast spirit of faithfulness. Cast me not away from your presence and give me not over to the consequences of my own sinfulness. My dependence on and devotion to you are total. I will praise you with all my heart and glorify your name forever. Take not your Holy Spirit from me but help me to be led by His prompting and power and not allow my sinful nature to hold sway. Restore to me daily the joy of my salvation and grant me a willing spirit of service to you. Shed your grace on me by drawing me to a life or service, good works, and righteousness.