Lesson 116 — Work from a Biblical Perspective

Our work is one of the most important things in life we do, and we spend more time on this single activity than on any other. There is work that we do to earn a living and for some people, there is other work, an avocation, done purely for a sense of fulfillment not found in the job. The reality of it all is that whatever we do today, has been done in some manner before, and will be done again. In the words of Solomon, in the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible, “there is nothing new under the sun”. With rare exceptions we ourselves and our works will, after sufficient time has passed, be forgotten by future generations. Moreover, God intends to create a new heavens and new earth, and the present earth will pass away. This is a humbling realization, one that can lead to a hopeless, why bother sort of attitude; that is if our lives and works are viewed from a strictly humanist perspective.

In the Bible, God’s word to humankind, we are told to “subdue the earth”. As beings created in God’s image, we were given stewardship over His creation, and have been given the charge of using its resources, and also loving and protecting it to ensure that it continues to provide for our needs as well as those of our fellow beings. God is creative and He fashioned people to be creative. He gave each of us special abilities, which include not only those we use to earn a living but also gifts we can use to benefit others such as care giving, hospitality, writing and organizing and entertaining to name a few. God has a plan for each of our lives and He gives each of us work to do. We need to seek God’s will in our lives through prayer so that we can unveil the path He wants us to take. Then we need to develop those skills and talents, whatever they are, to be the best we can in that calling. If it feels right then it most likely is right. Whatever job we find we can use our abilities and find fulfillment. And, if we find satisfaction in our work, this is an added blessing.

Our jobs and careers, for most people, occupy only a link in a long chain that leads to an overall betterment of the human condition through science, technology, innovation and discovery. Without continued forward progress, generation by generation, in subduing the earth and being good stewards over the creation, civilization would not have progressed beyond life in caves. But one person stands on the shoulders of another and each generation lays a groundwork for evermore forward progress for succeeding generations. Our individual contribution to this shouldn’t be underestimated.

The Bible makes it clear that each of us will be accountable to Jesus for how we’ve used the talents and abilities He has given us. The Bible tells us “Whatever you do work at it with all your heart as though working for the Lord, and He will give you an inheritance”. And so, no job is unimportant, whatever it is, and no matter how seemingly menial, provided it does a service for people, and if we do it to the best of our ability to glorify God. The gas station attendant’s role in filling the car of a doctor on his way to a surgery serves a very important purpose. Likely neither he nor the doctor nor their works will be remembered in 80 or 100 years, but for the brief period of time in history they lived, worked and died they glorified God. Indeed, their lives and works will be immortalized in the silent memory of God. Even if one doesn’t consciously work for the glory of God, God can still use his labors for His glory.

And so, work in itself attains its highest level of importance for us, when we view it as a gift from God. Whatever our vocation or avocation is, it is a gift because it gives life meaning and purpose. We can find joy and enthusiasm in our lives and works by realizing that we are living out God’s highest purpose for us, which is to glorify Him and contribute tangibly to societal well-being in the brief time we are here. The Bible tells us to accept the human condition and live life as fully as possible. Absent this perspective, work and life itself can become humdrum. But if we start each day with a renewed vision that we serve something infinitely bigger than ourselves, Almighty God, our works and each day’s activities will have special meaning. As we love and serve others and do good work, we will be starting a new day in our eternity with God to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.