DST Starts
Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 10th -- please don’t forget to “Spring Ahead!"
Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 10th -- please don’t forget to “Spring Ahead!"
FCC Worship Service & Fourth Sunday of Lent. Title: "Love of God is measured by how little is retained" Text:…
Coffee Hour, in Fellowship Hall.
Thursday Prayer in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)
FCC Worship Service, Communion, & Fifth Sunday of Lent. Title: "Those watching for Jesusʹ return will be gathered to Him"…
Thursday Prayer in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)
Movie Night, in Fellowship Hall. Movies are shown once each month, usually on the fourth Friday. The movies shown in…
FCC Worship Service & Palm Sunday. Title: "The crowd welcomed Jesus as the conquering king" Text: "Mark 11:1-11; Psalm 118:25-29"
Coffee Hour, in Fellowship Hall.
Thursday Prayer in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)
FCC Worship Service & Resurrection Sunday (Easter). Title: "The empty tomb produced fearful trembling and disorientation in the women" Text:…
Thursday Prayer in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)