Lesson 15: Two Kingdoms: The Heavenly Kingdom and the Earthly Kingdom
We’re born into the earthly kingdom, which is corrupt, evil, and ruled by satan; ultimately this world is headed for destruction. We’re born spiritually dead; from birth our bodies are dying and our spirits are dead. We want nothing to do with God; we want to do everything we shouldn’t do; we are totally depraved and hostile toward God in every way; and for a people like this God sent his Son to die that by faith in Him we could have eternal life. As a further act of grace, He touches the souls of some, and convicts them by the Holy Spirit, so they will want to receive His free gift of salvation through faith in Christ. The standards of the world tell us we should go for everything we can now, because there is nothing else; but the Scriptures tell us to build up our treasures in Heaven where they cannot be corrupted or stolen. We are aliens on this earth; our true home is in Heaven with Christ. We await for Christ’s return; Christ who by his power and control over all things, will renew these dying bodies and give us eternal bodies like He has. So, how are we to live our lives while on this earth? We live it in obedience to God; not out of fear that He is going to send us to hell, but out of reverence for all that He has done for us, taking us out of what should have been our just fate, which is eternal separation from Him, and preparing for us an eternal home in His kingdom to be with Him; he promises to keep us in the faith until we reach our eternal inheritance.