Lesson 97: We Need God and Jesus More Than We Think
The Scriptures tell us that when this life is over our physical bodies will undergo corruption. This means that as our bodies decay and only bones remain, all thoughts, ambitions, sins and works of righteousness also end. For those who have never accepted Jesus as savior and established a relationship with him, their souls are in the same condition; their souls will also undergo corruption in the ultimate sense, eternal separation from God, or spiritual death. But for anyone who has received Christ as savior, their soul is “buried with Jesus in baptism and baptized into his death”. When this happens, our souls are rid of all corruption that comes from sin that hadn’t formerly been dealt with. As we receive Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are positionally pure; that is, our souls are counted pure in his sight. For the remaining time we are in the flesh we need to work to become as pure as possible, practically speaking; the ultimate state of perfection won’t come until this life is over. The closer we grow to spiritual purity in a practical way, the more peaceful and contented with life we become. Most people search for this feeling in possessions, experiences and accomplishments, but none of these or anything else really satisfies. The only thing that satisfies the deep hunger and thirst in our souls is finding completeness in Jesus. We do this by growing closer to him in prayer, reading his word, attending church, and fellowshipping with other Christians. As we grow more pure in our soul, we will have more peace in all circumstances. This will happen increasingly as we find more of our fulfillment in our union with Jesus, than with things of this world, which will always disappoint. At the resurrection, when our souls are made pure, both positionally and practically, we will also be given eternal bodies. In eternity neither body nor soul will ever again suffer the corruption that is the result of sin, because there will never again be any sin.