FCC Worship
FCC Worship
FCC Worship Service. Theme: "Always consult God before making a decision" Text: "Joshua 9:1-16, 19-27; Psalm 32:5-8"
FCC Worship Service. Theme: "Always consult God before making a decision" Text: "Joshua 9:1-16, 19-27; Psalm 32:5-8"
Articles are due for the March issue of "Vestry Voices" (for assembly on February 25).
Wednesday Bible Study in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke).
Movie Night, in Fellowship Hall. (Originally scheduled for 2/21/2025 -- Rescheduled to 2/28/2025.) Movies are shown once each month, usually…
Sunday Worship Service, with Communion. Theme: "Yahweh fights for His people who rescue others" Text: "Joshua 10:1-15; Psalm 22:23-28"
Wednesday Bible Study in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke).
Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 9th -- please don’t forget to “Spring Ahead!"
FCC Worship Service & First Sunday of Lent. Theme: "Yahweh gives His people victory over their enemies" Text: "Joshua 10:16-28;…
Wednesday Bible Study in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke).
FCC Worship Service, Communion & Second Sunday of Lent. Theme: "Israel obeys Yahweh and He fights for them" Text: "Joshua…
Wednesday Bible Study in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke).
FCC Worship Service & Third Sunday of Lent. Theme: "Yahweh conquers armies as large as sand on a seashore" Text:…
Wednesday Bible Study in Church Parlor. -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke).
Movie Night, in Fellowship Hall. Movies are shown once each month, usually on the fourth Friday. The movies shown in…
FCC Worship Service & Fourth Sunday of Lent. Theme: "Cities of refuge protect the innocent from revenge" Text: "Joshua 20:1-9;…
Articles are due for the April issue of "Vestry Voices" (for assembly on April 1).