FCC Worship & Pentecost Sunday
FCC Worship & Pentecost Sunday
FCC Pentecost Sunday Worship Service. Title: "The Holy Spirit enables Jesus' followers to communicate The Gospel of salvation" Text: "John…
FCC Pentecost Sunday Worship Service. Title: "The Holy Spirit enables Jesus' followers to communicate The Gospel of salvation" Text: "John…
Wednesday Bible Study in Fellowship Hall -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)…
Sunday Worship Service, with Communion. Theme: "God works in people through Christ who humbled himself in death" Text: "Philippians 2:1-13;…
Wednesday Bible Study in Fellowship Hall -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)…
FCC Worship Service. Theme: "When the floods rise" Text: "Psalm 69:1-16; Matthew 7:7-11"
Wednesday Bible Study in Fellowship Hall -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)…
Sunday Worship Service, with Communion. Theme: "Fathers know the eternal Jesus" Text: "1 John 2:12-17; Psalm 32:1-7"
Wednesday Bible Study in Fellowship Hall -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)…
Movie Night, in Fellowship Hall. Movies are shown once each month, usually on the fourth Friday. The movies shown in…
Wednesday Bible Study in Fellowship Hall -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)…