FCC Worship
FCC Worship
FCC Worship Service. Theme: "God requires people to seek Him alone, especially one day in seven" Text: "Exodus 20:3-11; Matthew…
FCC Worship Service. Theme: "God requires people to seek Him alone, especially one day in seven" Text: "Exodus 20:3-11; Matthew…
Sunday Worship Service, with Communion. Title: "God tells His people how to love their neighbor" Text: "Exodus 20:12-16; Matthew 22:34-40"
Wednesday Bible Study in Fellowship Hall -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)…
FCC Worship Service. Title: "Coveting: the key sin to expose spiritual death" Text: "Exodus 20:17; Romans 7:7-13"
Wednesday Bible Study in Fellowship Hall -- or -- join via telephone conference call (request call from Pastor Gary Kiontke)…
Pastor Gary's Vacation Part #1. Walter Mutti will be preaching on the two Sundays during this time period (8/20 &…
FCC Worship Service, with Communion, with guest preacher Walter Mutti. Title: "Being Un-offendable” Text: Matthew 18:21-35
Special Movie Night “Voice of the Martyrs — Hearts of Fire” Virtual Event Rebroadcast Friday, August 25 at 7:00 PM…
FCC Worship Service, with guest preacher Walter Mutti. Title: "Carrying a Cross” Text: Matthew 27:27-32